Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
Each energy level or electron shell or orbit is designated. And so this emission spectrum is unique to hydrogen and so this is one way to identify elements. Hydrogen Emission Spectrum High School Chemistry Spectrum Chemistry For H-like particles the formula is. . The atomic hydrogen emits a line spectrum consisting of various series. The bright line spectrum of a gas can be explained with the Bohr model of the atom which shows that electrons in an atom are in discrete energy. A hydrogen atom consists of an electron orbiting its nucleus. These states were visualized by the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom as being distinct orbits around the nucleus. The number of lines does not equal the number of electrons in an atom. So you see one red line and it turns out that that red line has a wavelength-- that red. And so this is a pretty. To relate the energy shells and wavenumber of lines of the spectrum Balmer gav...